Clustering of Local Group distances: publication bias or correlated measurements? I. The Large Magellanic Cloud

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Richard de Grijs, James E. Wicker, and Giuseppe Bono; 2014, AJ, 147, 122:

LMC distance moduli sorted by month and year of publication (1990-2013); permalink
LMC distance moduli sorted by tracer population (1990-2013); permalink

Clustering of Local Group distances: publication bias or correlated measurements? II. M31 and beyond

Richard de Grijs and Giuseppe Bono; 2014, AJ, 148, 17:

M31 distance moduli sorted by month and year of publication; permalink
M31 distance moduli sorted by tracer population; permalink

M32 distance moduli sorted by month and year of publication; permalink
M32 distance moduli sorted by tracer population; permalink

M33 distance moduli sorted by month and year of publication; permalink
M33 distance moduli sorted by tracer population; permalink

NGC 147 distance moduli sorted by month and year of publication; permalink
NGC 147 distance moduli sorted by tracer population; permalink

NGC 185 distance moduli sorted by month and year of publication; permalink
NGC 185 distance moduli sorted by tracer population; permalink

NGC 205 distance moduli sorted by month and year of publication; permalink
NGC 205 distance moduli sorted by tracer population; permalink

IC 10 distance moduli sorted by month and year of publication; permalink
IC 10 distance moduli sorted by tracer population; permalink

IC 1613 distance moduli sorted by month and year of publication; permalink
IC 1613 distance moduli sorted by tracer population; permalink

Clustering of Local Group distances: publication bias or correlated measurements? III. The Small Magellanic Cloud

Richard de Grijs and Giuseppe Bono; 2015, AJ, 149, 179:

SMC distance moduli sorted by month and year of publication; permalink
SMC distance moduli sorted by tracer population; permalink

Clustering of Local Group distances: publication bias or correlated measurements? IV. The Galactic Center

Richard de Grijs and Giuseppe Bono; 2016, ApJS, 227, 5:

GC distance moduli sorted by month and year of publication; permalink
GC distance moduli sorted by tracer population; permalink

Clustering of Local Group distances: publication bias or correlated measurements? V. Galactic rotation constants

Richard de Grijs and Giuseppe Bono; 2017, ApJS, 232, 22;

Galactic rotation speeds sorted by month and year of publication
Galactic rotation speeds sorted by tracer population

Clustering of Local Group distances: publication bias or correlated measurements? VI. Messier 87 and the Virgo cluster

Richard de Grijs and Giuseppe Bono; 2020, ApJS, 246, 3

M87 distance moduli sorted by month and year of publication
M87 distance moduli sorted by tracer population

Clustering of Local Group distances: publication bias or correlated measurements? VII. A distance framework out to 100 Mpc

Richard de Grijs and Giuseppe Bono; 2020, ApJS, in press

Fornax cluster distance moduli sorted by month and year of publication
Fornax cluster distance moduli sorted by tracer population

Coma cluster distance moduli sorted by month and year of publication
Coma cluster distance moduli sorted by tracer population

Database last updated: 12 February 2020